1. Vedecké monografie publikované doma
  2. Vedecké monografie publikované v zahraničí
  3. Odborné monografie
  4. Kapitoly vo vedeckých knižných publikáciách publikované doma
  5. Kapitoly vo vedeckých knižných publikáciách publikované v zahraničí
  6. Kapitoly v odborných knižných publikáciách publikované doma
  7. Kapitoly v odborných knižných publikáciách publikované v zahraničí
  8. Publikácie v periodikách evidovaných v Current Contents
  9. Štúdie a vedecké články publikované v periodikách evidovaných v iných databázach : MR, Zbl MATH  
  10. Publikácie v zborníkoch
  11. Recenzie vedeckých prác vo vedeckých časopisoch
  12. Prednášky a vývesky na vedeckých podujatiach s min. 30% zahraničnou účasťou
  13. Ostatné prednášky a vývesky
  14. Vydávané periodiká evidované v Current Contents
  15. Ostatné vydávané periodiká
  16. Vydané zborníky vedeckých podujatí
  17. Vysokoškolské učebné texty

1. Vedecké monografie publikované doma

2. Vedecké monografie publikované v zahraničí

3. Odborné monografie

4. Kapitoly vo vedeckých knižných publikáciách publikované doma

5. Kapitoly vo vedeckých knižných publikáciách publikované v zahraničí

  1. DVUREČENSKIJ, A.Measures on quantum structures. In: Handbook of Measure Theory. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science, 2002, pp. 827-868.

  2. FEČKAN, M.: Multiple solutions of nonlinear equations via Nielsen fixed-point theory, v knihe Nonlinear Analysis in Geometry and Topology. Palm Habor, FL: Hadronic Press, 2000, pp. 77-97 .

  3. HOLÁ, Ľ.— PELANT, J.: Recent progress in general topology. North Holland: Elsever Science, 2002, pp. 253-284.

  4. MUNICI, D.—RIEČAN, B. : Probability on MV-algebras. In: Handbook of Measure Theory. Amsterdam: North Holland, 2002, pp 869-909.

  5. PULMANNOVÁ, S.: On quantum conditional probability spaces. In: Theoretical Physics 2001, Nova Science Publishers Inc., New York, 2002, pp. 253-265.

6. Kapitoly v odborných knižných publikáciách publikované doma

7. Kapitoly v odborných knižných publikáciách publikované v zahraničí

8. Publikácie v periodikách evidovaných v Current Contents a iných databázach ISI

  1. BÖCKENHAUER, H.J.— HROMKOVIC, J.— RALF, KLASING, R.— SEIBERT, S.— UNGER, W.: Towards the notion of stability of approximation for hard optimization tasks and the traveling salesman problem. In: Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 285, 2002, pp. 3-24.

  2. BEČKA, M.OKŠA, G.— VAJTEŠIC, M.: Dynamic ordering for a parallel block-Jacobi SVD algorithm. In: Parallel Computing, vol. 28, 2002, pp. 243-262.

  3. BERGER, A.— BROERE, I.— MOAGI, S. T.— MIHÓK, P.: Meet-and join/irreducibility of additive hereditary properties of graphs. In: Discrete Mathematics, vol. 251, 2002, pp. 11-18.

  4. BORSÍK, J.: Sums, differences, products and quotients of closed graph functions. In: Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications, vol. 24, 2002, pp. 117-123.

  5. DEBIEVE—, C.— DUCHOŇ, M.— DUHOUX—, M.: A Helly theorem in the setting of Banach spaces. In: Tatra Mt. Math. Publications, vol. 22, 2001, pp. 105--114.

  6. DUCHOŇ, — M.— KOLESÁROVÁ—, A.: Fourier transforms of vector-valued measures on certain compact semigroup. In: Tatra Mt. Math. Publ., vol. 24, 2002, pp. 89--103.

  7. DUCHOŇ, M.: Survey of some topics of harmonic analysis. In: Tatra Mt. Math. Publ., vol. 23, 2001, pp. 165--169.

  8. DUCHOŇ, M.PULMANNOVÁ, S.—: Moment problem and spectral theorem. In: J. Theoret. Phys., vol. 41, 2002, pp. 375--385.

  9. DUCHOŇ, M.HALUŠKA, J.: Moment problem for some operators. In: Tatra Mountans Mathematicla Publications, vol. 24, 2002, pp. 133--139.

  10. DVUREČENSKIJ, A.: Pseudo MV-algebras are intervals in l-groups. In: J. Austral. Math. Soc., vol. 72, 2002, pp. 427-445.

  11. DVUREČENSKIJ, A.: On effect algebras which can be covered by MV-algebras. In: Inter. J. Theor. Phys., vol. 41, 2002, pp. 221-229.

  12. DVUREČENSKIJ, A.: States on unital partially-ordered groups. In: Kybernetika, vol. 38, 2002, pp. 297-318.

  13. DVUREČENSKIJ, A.: Product effect algebras. In: Inter. J. Theor. Phys., vol. 41, 2002, pp. 1827-1839.

  14. DVUREČENSKIJ, A.— LAHTI, P.— YLINEN, K.: The uniqueness question in the multidimensional moment problem with applications to phase space observables. In: Rep. Math. Phys., vol. 50, 2002, pp. 55-68.

  15. DVUREČENSKIJ, A.VETTERLEIN, T.: Algebras in the positive cone of po-groups. In: Order, vol. 19, 2002, pp. 127-146.

  16. FEČKAN, M.: Transversal bounded solutions for difference equations. In: J. Difference Equations and Applications, vol. 8, 2002, pp. 33-51.

  17. FRIČ, R.: Boolean algebras: Convergence and measure. In: Topology and its Applications, vol. 111, 2001, pp. 139-149.

  18. FRIČ, R.: Convergence and duality. In: Applied Categorical Structures, vol. 10, 2002, pp. 257-266.

  19. GROŠEK, O.—HERRERA-GARCIA, S. H.—NEMOGA, K.— SATKO, L.: A sharp proof of unicity distance for Markoff sources. In: Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications, vol. 25, 2002, pp. 73-81.

  20. HALUŠKA, J.: Uncertainty measures and well tempered systems. In: International Journal of General Systems, vol. 31, 2002, pp. 73--96.

  21. HROMKOVIČ, J.—SEBASTIAN, SEIBERT—, KARHUMÄKI, J.— KLAUCK, H.— SCHNITGER, G.: Communication complexity method for measuring nondeterminism in finite automata. In: Information and Computation, vol. 172, 2002, pp. 202-217.

  22. JAKUBÍK, J.: Complete distributivity of lattice ordered groups and of vector lattices. In: Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, vol. 51, 2001, pp. 889-896.

  23. JAKUBÍK, J.: A theorem of Cantor-Bernstein type for orthogonally s-complete pseudo MV-algebras. In: Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications, vol. 22, 2001, pp. 91-103.

  24. JAKUBÍK, J.: On half cyclically ordered groups. In: Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, vol. 52, 2002, pp. 275-294.

  25. JAKUBÍK, J.: Torsion classes of Specker lattice ordered groups. In: Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, vol. 52, 2002, pp. 469-482.

  26. JAKUBÍK, J.: On intervals and isometries of MV-algebras. In: Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, vol. 52, 2002, pp. 651-663.

  27. JENČA, G.— PULMANNOVÁ, S.: Quotients of partial abelian monoids and the Riesz decomposition property. In: Algebra Universalis, vol. 47, 2002, pp. 443-447.

  28. JENČOVÁ, A.: Information geometry and standard purification. In: Journal of Mathematical Physics, vol. 43, 2002, pp. 2187-2201.

  29. KOCHOL, M.: An equivalent version of the 3-flow conjecture. In: Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B, vol. 83, 2001, pp. 258-261.

  30. KOCHOL, M.: Polynomials associated with nowhere-zero flows. In: Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series B, vol. 84, 2002, pp. 260-269.

  31. KOCHOL, M.: Superposition and constructions of graphs without nowhere-zero k-flows. In: European Journal of Combinatorics, vol. 23, 2002, pp. 281-306.

  32. MAJERNÍK, V. — MAJERNÍKOVÁ, E.: Standard and entropic uncertainty relations of the finite well. In: Journal of Phys.A:Math.Gen., vol. 35, 2002, pp. 5751-5761.

  33. MAJERNÍK, V.— MAJERNÍKOVÁ, E: Uncertainty relations expressed by means of information energies.. In: Acta Physica Hungarica New Series, Heavy Ion Physics, vol. 17, 2003, pp. Január.

  34. MAJERNÍK, V.— MAJERNÍKOVÁ, E.: Determination of bounds of the beta-entropic sum of two noncommuting variables.. In: Reports on Mathematical Physics, vol. 47, 2001, pp. 381-392.

  35. MAJERNÍK, V.— VLČEK.M.,: The remaining uncertainty in quantum measurement of noncommuting discrete observables.. In: Acta Physica Hungarica New Series, Heavy Ion Physics, vol. 15, 2002, pp. 173-179.

  36. NEWTON, M.— SYKORA, O.VRŤO, I.: Two new heuristics for the 2-sided bipartite crossing number. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2528, 2002, pp. 312-319.

  37. PULMANNOVÁ, S.: Hidden variables and Bell inequalities on qunatum logics. In: Foundations of Physics, vol. 32, 2002, pp. 193-216.

  38. PULMANNOVÁ, S.: Compatibility and decompositions of effects. In: Journal of Mathematical Physics, vol. 43, 2002, pp. 2817-2830.

  39. RIEČAN, B.: On the g-entropy and its Hudetz correction. In: Kybernetika, vol. 38, 2002, pp. 493 - 500.

  40. RIEČAN, B.: On a Banach space valued observables. In: Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications, vol. 24, 2002, pp. 109 - 115.

  41. STRAUCH, O.TÓTH, J.T.: Corrigendum to Theorem 5 of the paper Asymptotic density $A subset N$ and density of ratio set $R(A)$ (Acta Arith. 87 (1998), 67-78). In: Acta Arithmetica, vol. 103, 2002, pp. 191-200.

  42. SYKORA, O.— SZEKELY, L.A.— VRŤO, I.: Fractional lengths and crossing numbers. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2528, 2002, pp. 186-192.

  43. SYKORA, O.— SZEKELY, L.A.— VRŤO, I.: Two counterexamples in graph drawing. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2573, 2002, pp. 389-396.

  44. WIMMER, G.— WITKOVSKÝ, V.: On goodness-of-fit testing under small sample size. In: Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications, vol. 22, 2001, pp. 67-77.

9. Štúdie a vedecké články publikované v periodikách evidovaných v iných databázach : MR, Zbl MATH

  1. BOCCUTO, A.— RIEČAN, B.: A note on the improper Kurzweil - Henstock integral in Riesz spaces. In: Acta Math. Nitra, vol. 5, 2002, pp. 15 - 24.

  2. BOCCUTO—, A. - RIEČAN, B.: A note on the improper Kurzweil - Henstock integral. In: Acta Univ. M. Belii, vol. 9, 2001, pp. 7 - 12.

  3. BROERE, I.— BUCKO, J.— MIHÓK, P.: Criteria of the existence of uniquely partitionable graphs with respect to additive induced-hereditary properties. In: Discussiones Math. – Graph Theory, vol. 22, 2002, pp. 31-37., MR, ZBL

  4. DOBREV, S.VRŤO, I.: Optimal broadcasting in even tori with dynamic faults. In: Parallel Processing Letters, vol. 2, 2002, pp. 17-22.

  5. DVUREČENSKIJ, A.: Test spaces, pseudo-effect algebras, and tensor product of pseudo-effect algebras. In: Demonstr. Math., vol. 35, 2002, pp. 689-705.

  6. DVUREČENSKIJ, A.— KALMBACH, G.: States on pseudo MV-algebras and the hull-kernel topology. In: Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, vol. 50, 2002, pp. 131-146.

  7. FRIČ, R.: Measures on MV-algebras. In: Soft Computing, vol. 7, 2002, pp. 130-137.

  8. FRIČ, R.: Remarks on sequential envelopes II. In: Studies of the University in Žilina, vol. 14, 2001, pp. 37-44.

  9. FRIČ, R.: Categorical reflections on fields of events and probabilities. In: Disputationes Scientificae Universitatis Catholicae in Ružomberok, vol. 1, 2001, pp. 93-99.

  10. GEORGESCU, G.— PLOŠČICA, M.: Values and minimal spectrum of an algebraic lattice. In: Mathematica Slovaca, vol. 52, 2002, pp. 247-254.

  11. GOLDSTERN, M.— PLOŠČICA, M.: Balanced d-lattices are complemented. In: Discussiones Mathematicae (General Algebra and Applications), vol. 22, 2002, pp. 33-37.

  12. HOLÁ, Ľ.: A note to proximal graph topologies. In: Q and A in General Topology, vol. 20, 2002, pp. 45-47.

  13. JAKUBÍK, J.: Strong subdirect products of MV-algebras. In: Mathematica Slovaca, vol. 51, 2001, pp. 507-520.

  14. JAKUBÍK, J.: General comparability of MV-algebras. In: Mathematica Slovaca, vol. 52, 2002, pp. 13-17.

  15. JAKUBÍK, J.: Sequential convergences on generalized Boolean algebras. In: Mathematica Bohemica, vol. 127, 2002, pp. 1-14.

  16. JAKUBÍK, J.: Completely subdirect products of directed sets. In: Mathematica Bohemica, vol. 127, 2002, pp. 71-81.

  17. JAKUBÍK, J.: On the lattice of hereditary properties of finite graphs. In: Discussiones Mathematicae, General Algebra and Applications, vol. 22, 2002, pp. 73-86.

  18. JAKUBÍK, J.: On direct and subdirect decompositions of partially ordered sets. In: Mathematica Slovaca, vol. 52, 2002, pp. 377-395.

  19. JAKUBÍK, J.: Cantor-Bernstein theorem for lattices. In: Mathematica Bohemica, vol. 127, 2002, pp. 463-471.

  20. JAKUBÍK, J.: Radical classes of distributive lattices having the least element. In: Mathematica Bohemica, vol. 127, 2002, pp. 409-425.

  21. MAJERNÍK, V.: A conceptualization of the configurational and functional organization. In: Glottometrics, vol. 3, 2002, pp. 110-135.

  22. COWEN, R.— HECHLER, H.— MIHÓK, P.: Graph coloring compactness theorems equivalent to BPI. In: Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae, vol. 56, 2002, pp. 171-180.

  23. PALENČÁR, R.— WIMMER, G.— HALAJ, M.: Determination of the uncertainties and covariances in the calibration of the set of weights. In: Measurement Science Review, vol. 2, 2002, pp. 9-20.

  24. PATERSON, M.S.— SCHRODER, H.— SYKORA, O.VRŤO, I.: On permutation communication in all-optical rings. In: Parallel Processing Letters, vol. 2, 2002, pp. 23-30.

  25. REPICKÝ, M.: Permitted trigonometric thin sets and infinite combinatorics. In: Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, vol. 42, 2001, pp. no. 4, 609-627.

  26. RIEČAN, B.: Almost everywhere convergence in MV-algebras. In: Soft Computing, vol. 5, 2002, pp. 396 - 399.

  27. RIEČAN, B.: On the Yager type entropy of dynamical systems. In: Acta Math. Nitra, vol. 5, 2002, pp. 15 - 24.

  28. RIEČAN, B.: Free product of MV-algebras. In: Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, vol. 50, 2002, pp. 173 - 186.

  29. STACHO, L.: A note on two circumference generalizations of Chvatal's hamiltonicity condition. In: Mathematica Slovaca, vol. 52, 2002, pp. 127--133.

  30. STACHO, L.: A note on upper bound for chromatic number of a graph. In: Acta Math. Univ. Comenianae, vol. LXXI, 2002, pp. 1--2.

  31. WIMMER, G.— WITKOVSKÝ, V.: Proper rounding of the measurement results under the assumption of uniform distribution. In: Measurement Science Review, vol. 2, 2002, pp. 1-7.

  32. WIMMER, G.— WITKOVSKÝ, V.— DUBY, T.: Proper rounding of the measurement results under the assumption of triangular distribution. In: Measurement Science Review, vol. 2, 2002, pp. 21-31.

10. Publikácie v zborníkoch

  1. ADAMKOVIČ, R.— BUCKO, J.— KAIFER, T.— MIHÓK, P.— OROSI, V.: Elektronické bankovníctvo na Slovensku II.. In: Zborník prednášok na medzinárodnú konferenciu Systémová integrácia 2002, Hotel Repiská, Demänovská dolina. Eds. Matiaško K. Žilina: SSSI, 2002 SSSI, pp. 227-246.(In Slovak)

  2. BEČKA, M.: On blocking factor and ordering strategy for parallel dynamic block-Jacobi SVD algorithm. In: Parallel Numerics 2002. Eds. Trobec R., Zinterhof P., Vajteršic M., Uhl A. Ljubljana, Slovenia: Jozef Stefan Institute and University of Salzburg, 2002 Jozef Stefan Institute and University of Salzburg, pp. 51-62.

  3. BUCKO, J.— ČAJBÍK, V.— MIHÓK, P.— OROSI, V.— PODOLÁKOVÁ,: Mobilné bankovníctvo a m-commerce,. In: Zborník prednášok na medzinárodnú konferenciu Systémová integrácia 2002, Hotel Repiská, Demänovská dolina. Eds. Matiaško K. Žilina: SSSI, 2002 SSSI, pp. 213-225.(In Slovak)

  4. DOBREV, S.: Communication efficient broadcasting in complete networks with dynamic faults. In: SIROCCO. Eds. Kaklamanis C., Kirousis L., vol. 8. Ottawa: Carleton Scientific, 2002 Carleton Scientific, pp. 67-77.

  5. DOBREV, S.— FLOCCHINI, P.— KRALOVICC, R.— RUZICKA, P.— SANTORO, N.: Locating a black hole in networks with full topological knowledge. In: OPODIS., 2002, pp. 35-45.

  6. DOBREV, S.— FLOCCHINI, P.— PRENCIPE, G.— SANTORO, N.: Searching for black hole in arbitrary networks: optimal mobile agent protocols. In: Principles of Distributed Computing., vol. 21. Baltimore: ACM Press, 2002 ACM Press, pp. 203-210.

  7. GARGANO, L.— HELL, P.— STACHO, L.— AND VACCARO, U.: Spanning trees with bounded number of branch vertices. In: in Proc. ICALP'02 Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2002 Springer Verlag, pp. 355-366.

  8. GRENDÁR, M.— GRENDÁR, M JR,: Why Maximum Entropy? A Non-axiomatic Approach. In: Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering. Eds. R. L. Fry, vol. CP617. Melville, New York: American Institute of Physics, 2002 American Institute of Physics, pp. 375-379.

  9. GRENDÁR, M. JR— GRENDÁR, M: Randomness as an Equilibrium. Potential and Probability Density. In: Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering. Eds. R. L. Fry, vol. CP617. Melville, New York: American Institute of Physics, 2002 American Institute of Physics, pp. 405-410.

  10. HAJOSSY, R.— HUČEK, A.SOMORA, P.ŽÁČIK, T.: Acceleration of the computations in gas transport optimization. In: Conference Proceedings of Inter-Academia 2002. Eds. Kováčik D., Chudý V. Bratislava: Comenius University and Union of Slovak Mathematicians and Physicist, 2002 Comenius University and Union of Slovak Mathematicians and Physicist, pp. 90-94.

  11. HAJOSSY, R.— ŽÁČIK, T.: Thermodynamics in the long-distance transport of natural gas. In: Conference Proceedings of Inter-Academia 2002. Eds. Kováčik D., Chudý V. Bratislava: Comenius University and Union of Slovak Mathematicians and Physicist, 2002 Comenius University and Union of Slovak Mathematicians and Physicist, pp. 84-89.

  12. HALUŠKA, J.: Unimodular matrices and diatonic scales. In: Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. Understanding and creating music, Caserta, November 21--25, 2002. Eds. G. Buzzanca, G. Di Maio, G. Nottoli, M. Olivetti Belardinelli, vol. 2. Caserta: Seconda Universitá degli Studi di Napoli, 2002 Seconda Universitá degli Studi di Napoli, pp. 15 pp., CD ROM, ISBN 88-900456-2-0

  13. MESIAROVÁ, A.: Continuous Archimedean T-Subnorms and Their Generators. In: Proceedings 10th Zittau Fuzzy colloqium. Eds. M. Wagwnknecht, N. Chaker, R. Hampel, vol. 1. Zittau: Hochschule Zittau/Goerlitz, 2002 Hochschule Zittau/Goerlitz, pp. 48 - 55.

  14. MIHÓK, P.: Projekt eEurope+ a jeho vzťah k rozvoju regiónov. In: Národná a regionálna ekonomika IV., Herľany. Eds. Samson Š., Hudec O. Košice: EKF TUKošice, 2002 EKF TUKošice, pp. 202-205.(In Slovak)

  15. OKŠA, G.BEČKA, M.VAJTERŠIC, M.: Parallel algorithm for matrix multiplication by Gramian of Toeplitz-block matrix. In: Proc. 20th IASTED Intern. Multiconference Applied Informatics 2002. Eds. M.H. Hamza Calgary: ACTA Press, 2002 ACTA Press, pp. 53-58.

  16. OKŠA, G.BEČKA, M.VAJTERŠIC, M.: Parallel SVD computation in updating problems of latent semantic indexing. In: ALGORITMY 2002. Eds. Handlovičová A., Krivá Z., Mikula K., Ševčovič D. Bratislava: Slovak University of Technology, 2002 Slovak University of Technology, pp. 113-120.

  17. OKŠA, G.BEČKA, M.VAJTERŠIC, M.: Parallel computation in linear modeling of multidimensional signals: Theory and implementation. In: Parallel Numerics 2002. Eds. Trobec R., Zinterhof P., Vajter3ic M., Uhl A. Ljubljana, Slovenia: Jozef Stefan Institute and University of Salzburg, 2002 Jozef Stefan Institute and University of Salzburg, pp. 63-76.

  18. RIEČAN, B.: Group-valued masures and probability on MV-algebras. In: Reports on Real Analysis. Eds. Jedrzejewski J., 2001, pp. 109 - 115.

  19. RIEČAN, B.: A note on ergodic transformations on MV-algebras. In: Proc. 9th Intern. Conf. Information Processing and Management of uncertainty in Knowledge - Based Systems. Eds. Bouchon - Meniere B., vol. II. Annecy: Université de Savoie, 2002 Université de Savoie, pp. 1099 - 1102.

  20. RIEČAN, B.: On multivalued logic and probability theory. In: Soft Methods in Probability, Statistics and data Analysis. Eds. Grzegorewski P., Hryniewicz O., Gil M.A. new York: Physica - Verlag, 2002 Physica - Verlag, pp. 134 - 136.

  21. VOJTÁŠ, P.— S. KRAJČI—, R. LENCSES,: A data model for annotated programs. In: ADBIS'02-Research Communications. Eds. Y. Manolopoulos, P. Návrat Bratislava: Vydavateľstvo STU, 2002 Vydavateľstvo STU, pp. 141-154.

  22. WIMMER, G.— ALTMANN, G.: Two hypotheses on synonymy. In: Lexicographica ´99. Eds. Ondrejovič S., Považaj M. Bratislava: VEDA, 2001 VEDA, pp. 218-225.

11. Recenzie vedeckých prác vo vedeckých časopisoch

  1. DUCHOŇ, M.: Benedetto, J.J., Ferreira, P.J.S.G., Modern Sampling Theory. Math. Appl., Birkhauser Boston 2001, pp. 417. In: Tatra Mt. Math. Publ., vol. 23, 2001, pp. 171-172.

  2. Asi 160 recenzií v Zbl. a MR.

12. Prednášky a vývesky na vedeckých podujatiach s min. 30% zahraničnou účasťou

  1. BEČKA, M.: On blocking factor and ordering strategy for parallel dynamic block-Jacobi SVD algorithm, Parallel Numerics ´02, Bled, 23-25.10.02

  2. BEČKA, M.: Parallel dynamic block-Jacobi SVD algorithm and blocking factor, Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications '02, Neuchatel, 7-10.11.02

  3. BORSÍK, J.: Bilateral quasicontinuity in topological spaces, 17th Summer Conference on Real Functions Theory, Stará Lesná, 1-6. 9. 2002

  4. DVUREČENSKIJ, A.: Perfect effect algebras, FSTA, 26.1.--1.2.2002, Liptovský Ján

  5. DVUREČENSKIJ, A.: Pseudo effect algebras, pseudo MV-algebars and non-commutative reasoning, Sixth Meeting IQSA´02, Viedeň 1-6.7.2002

  6. DVUREČENSKIJ, A.: The state space of pseudo effect algebras, pseudo MV-algebras, and of unital po-groups, CARTEMI X, Ischia, July 14--20, 2002

  7. FRIČ, R.: Duality: random variables versus observables, 9th Polish-Czech Mathematical School, Kraków - Osieczany, 6-8. 6. 2002

  8. FRIČ, R.PAPČO, M.: Real functions and generalized probability, 17th Summer Conference on Real Functions Theory, Stará Lesná, 1.-6. 9. 2002

  9. FRIČ, R.PAPČO, M.: Measurable spaces and measurable maps I, II, FSTA2002, Liptovský Ján, 27.1.-1.2.2002

  10. FRIČ, R.PAPČO, M.: Real functions and generalized probability, 17th Summer Conference on Real Functions Theory, Stará Lesná, 1. – 6. 9. 2002

  11. GRENDÁR, M. JR,— GRENDÁR, M: I-projection variant of Chernoff's bound, ProbaStat 2002, Februar 2002

  12. GRENDÁR, M. JR,— GRENDÁR, M: Chernoff's bound forms, MaxEnt 2002, Moscow, Idaho, August 2002

  13. HAJOSSY, R.— HUČEK, A.SOMORA, P.ŽÁČIK, T.: Acceleration of the computations in gas transport optimization, Inter-Academia 2002, Bratislava, 23-26. 9. 2002

  14. HAJOSSY, R.— ŽÁČIK, T.: Thermodynamics in the long-distance transport of natural gas, Inter-Academia 2002, Bratislava, 23-26. 9. 2002

  15. HALUŠKA, J.: Classification and structure of tone systems and the uncertainty knowledge-based information theory (invited lecture), 2nd int. conference Understanding and creating music (Geometric algorithms and fractals, physical models and perceptive structures), Caserta, November 21--25, 2002

  16. HALUŠKA, J.: Theorems on integrable functions in complete bornological locally convex spaces, 17th Summer conference on real functions theory, Stará Lesná, September 1--6, 2002

  17. HALUŠKA, J.: On product measures in locally convex topological vector spaces, Decimo convegno do Analisi reale e teoria della misura, Ischia, 15--19 Luglio 2002

  18. HOLÁ, Ľ.: Spaces of densely continuous forms, Seminar in University in Perugia

  19. HOLÁ, Ľ.: Hausdorff metric topology on the space of multifunctions, Seminar in University in Perugia

  20. HOLÁ, Ľ.: Convergence and topologies on spaces of multifunctions, Seminar in University in Napoli

  21. HUČEK, A.: Natural gas temperature influence on transport energy consumption, Complex Pipeline Systems 2002, Smolenice, 17-19. 6. 2002

  22. CHOVANEC, F.: MV-algebras pasting and Greechie diagrams, Sixth Biannual IQSA Meeting Quantum Structures, Viedeň, 30. 6. 2002 - 6. 7. 2002

  23. JENČOVÁ, A.: Information geometry in the standard representation of matrix spaces, Information Geometry and its Applications, Pescara, Italy, 1.-5.7. 2002

  24. JUREČKA, S.— MULLEROVÁ, J.—, JUREČKOVÁ, M.: Genetic Algorithm Approach to Thin-Film Optical parameters Determination, Solid State Surfaces and Interfaces 3, Bratislava, 19-21.11. 2002

  25. JUREČKOVÁ, M.: The addition to the ergodic theorem on probability MV-algebras with product, Fuzzy Sets Theory and its Aplications, Liptovský Ján, 28.1-1.2. 2002

  26. JUREČKOVÁ, M.: About MV algebraic limit theorems, 17- th Summer Conference on Real Functions Theory, Stará Lesná, 1-6. 9. 2002

  27. KARABAŠ, J.: Algorithms to solve isomorphisms of genus two 3-manifolds, Czech-Slovak Conference on Graph Theory, Rejviz, ČR 27. - 31.5. 2002

  28. KOCHOL, M.: Tension and flow polynomials, prednáška na seminári z teórie grafov, School of Mathematics, Georgia Institue of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, jar 2002

  29. KOCHOL, M.: Superposition - a method for constructing graphs without nowhere-zero flows, pozvaná prednáška na Department of Mathematics, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, 21.3.-22.3.2002

  30. KOCHOL, M.: Linear algebra approach to flows, colorings and tensions, workshop Perfect Graph Conjecture, American Institute of Mahematics, Palo Alto, California, USA, 29.10-4.11.2002

  31. KOCHOL, M.: Superposition - a method for constructing graphs without nowhere-zero k-flows, pozvaná prednáška na Rutgers Center for Operations Research, Rutgers University, Piscataway, New Jersey, USA, 4.3.-7.3.2002

  32. KOCHOL, M.: An equivalent version of the 3-flow conjecture, AMS Regional Meeting, School of Mathematics, Georgia Institue of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 8.3.-10.3.2002

  33. KOCHOL, M.: Superposition - a method for constructing graphs without nowhere-zero flows, prednáška na kombinatorickom seminári, School of Mathematics, Georgia Institue of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, jar 2002

  34. KOCHOL, M.: Ehrhart and flow polynomials, prednáška na seminári z teórie grafov, School of Mathematics, Georgia Institue of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, jar 2002

  35. KÔPKA, F.: Distributive law on posets with a generalized difference, Sixth Biannual IQSA Meeting Quantum Structures, Viedeň, 30. 6. 2002 - 6. 7. 2002

  36. KÔPKA, F.: Modularity on posets with difference, Sixth Meeting IQSA´02, Viedeň 1-6.7.2002

  37. KÔPKA, F.: On the obsrvables on D-posets, 17- th Summer Conference on Real Functions Theory, Stará Lesná, 1-6. 9. 2002

  38. KÔPKA, F.: Distributivity of posets with heat difference, Fuzzy Sets Theory and its Aplications, Liptovský Ján, 28.1-1.2. 2002

  39. KORBAŠ, J.: On fibrations with Grassmann manifolds as fibers, 4th Conference Geometry and Topology of Manifolds, Krynica (Poland), 29.4.-4.5.02

  40. MESIAROVÁ, A.: Continuous Archimedean T-Subnorms and Their Generators, 10th Zittau Fuzzy Colloqium

  41. MESIAROVÁ, A.: Continuous Archimedean t-subnorms and their generators, Master and PhD Seminar FLLL/SCCH

  42. NEDELA, R.: On genus two 3-manifolds, Czech-Slovak Conference on Graph Theory, Rejviz, ČR 27. - 31.5. 2002

  43. NEMOGA, K.: Current trends in Block Ciphers, Number Theory Conference, Malenovice, ČR, 29. - 31. august 2002

  44. PAPČO, M.: On D-posets, SCAM 2002, Bratislava, 19. – 20. 4. 2002

  45. PLOŠČICA, M.: Relative separation in distributive congruence lattices, Arbeitstagung Allgemeine Algebra '02, Olomouc, 30.5.-2.6.2002

  46. PLOŠČICA, M.: Refinement properties in congruence lattices of lattices, Universal Algebra and Lattice Theory, Szeged, 22.7.-26.7. 2002

  47. PULMANNOVÁ, S.: Extensions of ordered partial abelian monoids by abelian groups, Fuzzy Sets'02, Liptovský Ján, 27.1.- 1.2. 2002

  48. PULMANNOVÁ, S.: Compatibility and decompositions of effects , 6th meeting IQSA '02, Viedeň, 1 - 6. 7. 2002

  49. PULMANNOVÁ, S.: Compatibility and states on d-lattices, CARTEMIX, Ischia, July 14 - 20 2002

  50. PULMANNOVÁ, S.: Tensor products of quantum structuress, Quantum Composite Systems, Ustroň (Poľsko), Sept. 2 - 1 2002

  51. RIEČAN, B.: On a type of entropy inspired by the Pap calculus, FSTA´2002, Liptovský Ján, 31.1. - 4.2. 2002

  52. RIEČAN, B.: A note on ergodic transformations on MV-algebras, IPMU´2002, Annecy, 1. - 5. 7. 2002

  53. RIEČAN, B.: Entropy on MV-algebras, Quantum Structures´2002, Wien, 1. - 7. 7. 2002

  54. RIEČAN, B.: On conjugacy of probability MV-algebras, CARTEMi´2002, Ischia, 14. - 19. 7. 2002

  55. RIEČAN, B.: On the Dobrakov submeasure, Real Functions 2002, Stará Lesná, 1. - 6. 9. 2002

  56. RIEČAN, B.: On multivalued logic and probability theory, SMPS´2002, Warszawa, 8. - 11. 9. 2002

  57. RIEČAN, B.: Mathematical models of uncertainty and Music, Understanding and Creating Music, Caserta, 21. - 25. 11. 2002

  58. SELEZNEV, V. E.— MARKO, J.NEMOGA, K.: Opyt praktičeskogo primenenija programnogo kompleksa AMADEUS dlja optimizaciji dinamičeskich pežimov transporta prirodnogo gaza po MG SPP-DSTG., Diskom 2002, Moskva, 13. - 14. 11. 2002.

  59. SELEZNEV, V. E.— MARKO, J.NEMOGA, K.: Fast and Highly Accurate Algorithms in Software Amadeus, 6th World Gaz Congress, Praha,19. - 25. apríla 2002

  60. SOMORA, P.: Mathematical model of compressor drive. (Comparison of three mathematical compressor's models.), Complex Pipeline Systems 2002 (High precision gas dynamics computations), Smolenice, 17-19. 6. 2002

  61. STRAUCH, O.: Some applications and open problems in uniform distribution theory, Journées Tchéco-Slovaco-Francaises, Saint-Etienne, April 4-5, 2002

  62. STRAUCH, O.: Distribution $(3/2)^n mod1$, Laboratoire d Analyse, Topologie, Probabilities, Marseille, April 25, 2002

  63. SÝKORA, O.: Biplanar Crossing Numbers: Survey of results, Theory Day, Loughborough University, 20.6.2002

  64. SÝKORA, O.: VLSI Area complexity, Loughborough University, Computer Science Departmental seminar, 1 November, 2002

  65. SÝKORA, O.— SZEKELY, L.A.— VRŤO, I.: Fractional lengths and crossing numbers, Conference on Graph Drawing, Irvine, USA, 26-28 August,2002

  66. SÝKORA, O.— NEWTON, M.— VRŤO, I.: Two new heuristics for the 2-sided bipartite crossing number, Conference on Graph Drawing, Irvine, USA, 26-28 August,2002

  67. VADOVIČ, P.: Zero points of continuous functions and the compact-open topology, 17-th Summer conference on real functions theory, Stará Lesná, 1. - 6.9.2002

  68. VOJTÁŠ, P.: Fuzzy querying and different models of quantitative reasoning, FSTA 2002, L. Ján, 28.1.-1.2.2002

  69. VETTERLEIN, T.: Archimedean pseudoeffect algebras, Conference for Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications, Liptovský Ján, 27. 1. - 1. 2. 2002

  70. VETTERLEIN, T.: Partial algebras among quantum structures, Arbeitstagung Allgemeine Algebra, Kaiserslautern (Nemecko), 22. - 24. 2. 2002

  71. VETTERLEIN, T.: Pseudoeffect algebras with states - typical examples, sufficient conditions, Student´s Conference on Applied Mathematics, Bratislava, 19. - 20. 4. 2002

  72. VETTERLEIN, T.: Nearly commutative pseudoeffect algebras, Conference of the International Quantum Structures Association, Viedeň (Rakúsko), 1. - 5. 7. 2002

  73. VRŤO, I.: Lower bound techniques for crossing numbers, Seminár, Uni. La Sapienza, Roma, 15.5.2002

  74. VRŤO, I.: Two counterexamples in graph drawing, Intl. Workshop on Graph Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, 2002, Český Krumlov, 15-17.6.2002

  75. VRŤO, I.: Two counterexamples in graph drawing, Theory Day, Loughborough University, 20.6.2002

  76. VRŤO, I.: Three open problems in interconnection networks, Workshop of AG2, Paderborn University, 12-15.9.2002

  77. VRŤO, I.: Biplanar crossing numbers, Seminár, Paderborn University, 5.11.2002

  78. WIMMER, G.: Interlaboratory key comparisons, Medzinárodný matematický workshop, FAST VUT Brno, 21-22.XI.2002

  79. WIMMER, G.: Unified derivation of some linguistic laws, Internationales Symposium zur Quantitativen Textanalyse, Institut fur Slawistik, Universität Graz, 21-23.VI.2002

  80. WIMMER, G.: Intervalový odhad medzilaboratórneho rozptylu, ODAM ´02, Přírodovědecká fakulta Univerzity Palackého, Olomouc, 26-27.VI.2002

  81. WIMMER, G.: Between group variance component interval estimation in interlaboratory comparisons, Probastat 2002, Smolenice, 4-8.II.2002

  82. WITKOVSKÝ, V.— WIMMER, G.: Consensus mean and its consonance intervals, Probastat 2002, Smolenice, 4-8.II.2002

  83. ŽÁČIK, T.: Functionality of the system AMADEUS implemented procedures, Complex Pipeline Systems 2002 (High precision gas dynamics computations), Smolenice, 17-19. 6. 2002

13. Ostatné prednášky a vývesky

  1. DVUREČENSKIJ, A.: Quantum structures and Czecho-Slovak contribution to their development, 50. výročie založenia MÚ AV ČR, Praha, 11-13.12.2002

  2. DVUREČENSKIJ, A.Good and bad infinitesimals and states on pseude MV-algebras, Univ. of Salarno, 8 - 14.07.2002

  3. DVUREČENSKIJ, A.: From MV-algebras to pseudo MV-algebras, ČVUT, Praha, 12-14.06.2002

  4. DVUREČENSKIJ, A.: Completness Criteria of inner product spaces, Univ. Turku, 16.9. - 4.10.2002

  5. FEČKAN, M.: Vibrations of beams, 45 min. prednaška na univerzite v Loughbourgh, Anglicko

  6. FEČKAN, M.: Topologically transversal reversible sets, 45. min. prednáška na technickej univerzite v Ancone, Taliansko

  7. FEČKAN, M.: Trvelling vawies of discretizations of partial differential equations, 45. min. prednáška na technickej univerzite v Ancone, Taliansko

  8. HALUŠKA, J.: Mathematics and theology: a dialogue, Conference Mathematics and theology, Bratislava 2002

  9. JUREČKOVÁ, M.: On some properties of Dobrakov submeasure on MV-algebras, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech technical University, Praha

  10. JUREČKOVÁ, M.— MOLNÁROVÁ, I.: Excel vo vyučovaní štatistiky, matematika v škole dnes a zajtra, Ružomberok, 4-6.9. 2002

  11. KÔPKA, F. : Posets with the difference, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech technical University, Praha

  12. NEMOGA, K.: Blokové šifry - minulosť, súčasnosť a trendy, 34. Konferencia slovenských matematikov, Jasná, 21. - 24. 11. 2002

  13. NEMOGA, K.: Complex Pipeline Systems, Complex Pipeline Systems, Lexenburg, 4. - 5. marca 2002

  14. NEMOGA, K.: Block ciphers - current trends, pozvaná prednáška, Univerzita Katowice, 2. - 7. júna 2002

  15. OKŠA, G.: Parallel computation in linear modeling of multidimensional signals: Theory and implementation, Seminar at University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, October 10, 2002.

  16. OKŠA, G.: Linear algebra concepts and techniques in information retrieval, Seminar at University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria, December 12, 2002.

  17. PULMANNOVÁ, S.: Orthocomplete effect algebras, Fuzzy Sets and Quantum Structures, Vyhne, 31.5-2.6. 2002

  18. RIEČAN, B.: O komunikácii medzi matematikmi a hudobníkmi, Matematika a hudba, Banská Bystrica, 10. - 11. 5. 2002

  19. RIEČAN, B.: O Dobrakovovej submiere, Seminár z neštandardných metód, Bratislava, 20. 2. 2002

  20. RIEČAN, B.: Pravdepodobnosť na intuicionistických fuzzy množinách, Seminár z neštandardných metód, Bratislava, 2.2. 2002

  21. RIEČAN, B.: Matematika a hudba, Štúrove dni, Zvolen 24. 10. 2002

  22. RIEČAN, B.: Entropy on MV-algebras, Univ. Firenze, 26. 11. 2002

  23. RIEČAN, B.: Mathematical models of uncertainty and music, Univ. Firenze, 26. 11. 2002

  24. RIEČAN, B.: Niekoľko insitných variácií na tému Matematika a teológia. EBF UK Bratislava 2.5. 2003.

  25. VETTERLEIN, T.: States on pseudoeffect algebras, Výskumný seminár, Katedra matematiky, Fakulta elektrotechnická, ČVUT, Praha, 9. 4. 2002

  26. VETTERLEIN, T.: Pseudoeffektalgebren, Seminár, Institut für Algebra und Computermathematik, Technische Universität Wien, Viedeň (Rakúsko), 14. 5. 2002

  27. VETTERLEIN, T.: Pseudoeffect algebras, Seminár, Katedra algebry a geometry, Masarykova univerzita, Brno, 16. 5. 2002

  28. VETTERLEIN, T.: What do BL-algebras and effect algebras have in common?, Výskumný seminár, Ústav informatiky, Česká akadémia vied, Praha, 26. 11. 2002

  29. VRŤO, I.: Priesečníkové číslo, odhady, algoritmy a aplikácie, Konferencia slovenských matematikov, Jasná, 21-24.11.2002

14. Vydávané periodiká evidované v Current Contents

  1. Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications, Matematický ústav SAV.

15. Ostatné vydávané periodiká

  1. Mathematica Slovaca, Matematický ústav SAV.
  2. Zentralblatt Math, Matematický ústav SAV je sídlom slovenskej redakcie Zentralblatt Math.

16. Vydané zborníky vedeckých podujatí

  1. Parallel Numerics. Eds. Trobec R., Zinterhof P., Vajteršic M., Uhl A.. Ljubljana, Slovenia: Jozef Stefan Institute and University of Salzburg, 2002.

17. Vysokoškolské učebné texty

  1. GROŠEK, O.NEMOGA, K.— SATKO, L.— VOJVODA, M.: Kryptológia, základy a aplikácie v bankovníctve - IX. Bratislava: STU, 2002.(In Slovak) , 153 p.

  2. MAJERNÍK, V.: Elementary Theory of Organization. Olomouc: Vydavatelství Univerzity Palackého Olomouc, 2001.

  3. MIHÓK, P.— BUCKO, J.— RÉVÉSZOVÁ, L.— LACKOVÁ, D.: Informatika I.. Košice: Ekonomická fakulta TU Košice, 2002.(In Slovak)