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PhD study

The Mathematical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and its branches - Mathematical Institute in Košice, the Department of Computer Science in Bratislava, and the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science in Banská Bystrica, in cooperation with the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of the Comenius University in Bratislava, organizes the postgraduate (PhD.) study in the academic year 2024/2025 in the topic of

Applied mathematics.

The standard length of the postgraduate study in internal form is 4 years and in external form is 5 years. The deadline for submitting applications is June 20th, 2024. Possible topics of study and other information can be found on the page about details of PhD. study.

Open Postdoc Positions

Open postdoc positions at the Mathematical Institute of SAS

Mathematical Institute of SAS offers 1-2 postdoc positions for research in one of the fields listed below. The duration of each position is one year starting in or after May, 2025 but no later than December 2025, with a possibility of extension for one more year. Successful applicants will be expected to conduct research, participate in seminars, and collaborate with the respective supervisor(s), his/her colleagues, and students.

Salary: 2400 EUR monthly salary before taxes, including social and health insurance, (approximately 1600 EUR netto income) + extra benefits for some of the topics

Other benefits: flexible working hours, home office possible

Position requirements:

  • PhD or equivalent
  • active research experience: at least two published works in recognized journals
  • the individual requirements for the chosen topic

Application requirements:

The applicants should send the following documents to Ms. Ondrušková at

  • a CV (including a list of publications), with emphasis on the scientific results of the applicant
  • research proposal
  • copy of the PhD. diploma
  • recommendation letter sent by someone familiar with applicant's research

Application deadline:

The deadline for application submission is CET 23:59, March 30, 2025. Only the selected candidates will be contacted for interviews within a week or two after the deadline.

Interested applicants can contact the respective supervisor for more details.

Research fields:

  1. Discrete Mathematics/Combinatorics
    (supervisor Roman Nedela

    The selected postdoctoral fellow(s) will work under supervision of prof. Roman Nedela on research topics related to his areas of interest, in particular, in one of the following fields of mathematics:

    • Symmetries of structures and related group theory
    • Non-three-edge colourable cubic graphs
    • Relations between graphs and complex analysis

    Requirements: PhD in Discrete Mathematics/Combinatorics

    Location: MI SAS Banská Bystrica

  2. Applied mathematics, numerical methods of linear algebra
    (supervisors Gabriel Okša, Martin Bečka)

    Topic: Numerical properties and implementation of efficient block Jacobi algorithm for computing the EVD/SVD of large matrices

    Requirements: PhD in the field of applied numerical mathematics, interest in methods for the computation of the EVD/SVD of large dense matrices by using serial and parallel algorithms. Experience in programming parallel computers using the MPI paradigm will be an advantage.

    Location: Department of Informatics, MI SAS Bratislava

  3. Quantum information theory
    (supervisor Anna Jenčová

    The successful candidate will join a research project under supervision of Anna Jenčová, focused on properties of quantum channels and higher order maps. The research is conducted in collaboration with the Quantum information foundations group at the Research Center for Quantum Information at the Institute of Physics of SAS,

    The framework of higher order maps (HOM) allows a more detailed study of general quantum protocols, such as channel measurements, channel transformations, channels with memory, etc. Possible topics include the study of the mathematical structure of HOM, nonclassical properties of HOM such as indefinite causal order and causal (non)separability, their classification, consequences and possible advantages in information processing.

    Requirements: PhD in mathematics or physics, previous published works in quantum information theory, related topics preferred

    Extra benefits: Additional 500-600 EUR/month (brutto) to the offered salary, additional project funding for travelling costs and other research expenses

    Location: MI SAS Bratislava

  4. Theory of classification methods in machine learning
    (supervisor Ondrej Šuch

    We invite collaboration on a monograph about classification methods with emphasis on categorization of speech data. Ideal candidate would have recent experience in machine learning research and possess good writing skills. Previous experience with deep neural networks, large language models or speech analysis is not necessary, but would be a plus.

    Requirements: PhD in Computer Science, Mathematics or related fields

    Location: MI SAS Banská Bystrica

2nd Nigeria-Slovak Research Workshop

On February 12, 2025 The 2nd Nigeria-Slovak Research Workshop is going to be held at Mathematical Institute, SAS in Bratislava, Štefánikova 49 in its seminar room. Information can be found at page

Summer School on General Algebra and Ordered Sets 2023

Mathematical Institute of Slovak Academy of Sciences and Department of Mathematics and Descriptive Geometry Faculty of Civil Engineering Slovak University of Technology

are organizing the traditional

Summer School on General Algebra and Ordered Sets 2023

The conference will take place in

Congress Center Academia, Stará Lesná, Slovakia September 2 – 8, 2023


DrSc. Doctorate Defence - A. Zemánková

On December 7th, 2021 at 2 pm the online doctorate defence for DrSc. title in study program 010108 Probability and Statistics via Zoom platform of Andrea Zemánková, PhD. will be held. The topic of defence is

The structure of uninorms with continuous underlying triangular norms and conorms and their generalizations.

Summary of the achieved results (Abstract) in Slovak is available in electronic form.

Zoom: link

Abstract: [pdf]

90th Birthday Prof. Lubomír Kubáček

(future) Reference:

A. Dvurečenskij, J. Volaufová, G. Wimmer, V. Witkovský: Prof. RNDr. Ing. Lubomír Kubáček, DrSc. Dr.h.c.—nonagerian, Mathematica Slovaca 71, no. 1, (2021), p. 1–4. doi: 10.1515/ms-2017-0447

Local copy of the paper (avalailabe till March 1, 2021): [pdf]

Roman Frič - Online Funeral Ceremony

The funeral ceremony can be watched on Friday January 22, 2021 at 11.00am via online transmission on YouTube channel of Parish of the Queen of Peace:


Doc. RNDr. Roman Frič, DrSc. passed away

On January 13, 2021, after a short but hard disease Covid 19 passed away our colleague and friend doc. RNDr. Roman Frič, DrSc., 1944. Since Dec. 26, 2020 he was in a hospital in induced coma and at ventilation.

Prof. Frič was a famous Slovak mathematician and the former Head of Košice's branch of the Mathematical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. He was born in Prešov, Sept. 30, 1944, Eastern Slovakia, and he come from a family of a physician. He had two elder brothers and one sister. After the Second World War, the family moved to Košice. In 1962—67 he studied at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University, Prague. His principal professor was Academician V. Jarník. During the study he was involved under guidance of Prof. J. Novák into topology.

After completing his university study, Roman Frič was employed at the Mathematical Institute of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, 1966–72. Here he became a PhD student of Prof. J. Novák and here he defended his thesis: Sequential structures and their application to probability theory, 1972. Then he was employed at the Transport University in Žilina. During this stay he spent a half-year study stay in the USA by Prof. E. Hewitt (then also at Univ. of Princeton and at Univ. of California). After his return, in Košice there was founded the Branch of Institute of Mathematics SAS, and the head of the Branch, Acad. J. Jakubík, was looking for new collaborators. Under an efficient support of the Head of the Mathematical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Acad. Š. Schwarz, Roman Frič was appointed at the Branch in Košice, 1979, where he has been already working 40 years. Here in 1995 he defended a title DrSc. (the highest scientific title in our country) defending his thesis: Sequential convergences: extensions, completion, enlarging, iteration. After the dead of Acad. J. Jakubík (1923—2015), Roman Frič became the Head of the Branch.

In new times after the political changes in 1989, in Ružomberok, the Catholic university was founded. It was natural, that Dr. Frič also started to organize the study of mathematics at the Pedagogical faculty of the Catholic University. Also thanks to him it was possible to smuggle a rigorous mathematical element into a catholic spirit. He helped a lot in building up of the catholic education in Slovakia and also in creating of international contacts at this university.

Here in the nineties, he started to be interested in his new mathematical love — quantum structures. This is a mathematical theory inspired by mathematical problems of measurement in quantum mechanics. It is pleasant that the Slovak school of quantum structures is internationally recognized and Dr. Frič was its dignified representant. Two Slovak mathematicians, F. Kôpka and F. Chovanec from the Military Academy in Liptovský Mikuláš, flashed up at the sky of quantum structures when at the beginning of the nineties published in Mathematica Slovaca a new mathematical structure — D-posets (difference posets) where a primary operation is the difference of two comparable elements. D.J. Foulis and M.K. Bennett followed them when they introduced an equivalent structure — effect algebras, where the primary operation is the addition of two mutually excluding events. Dr. Frič immediately recognized a big potential of D-posets which contain both two-valued events as well as new phenomena, fuzzy events, and in this connection, he had came back to the foundations of probability theory and now in a new look and with new ideas. Together with his PhD students, Dr. M. Papčo, and D. Štiberová, they were studying what actually a fuzzy probability is. They were also actively applying methods of the theory of categories and topology. In this new area, Dr. Frič had published 40 papers. During his topological period, he has published around 80 topological papers.

A very significant feature of Dr. Frič was his effort to understand why things, mathematics, probability work as they work. And he was successful and he was trying to explain that also to his students as well as to readers of his 15 papers in the area of didactics of mathematics. He presented his interesting results at many conferences as well as on long term study stays at Univ. Trieste, Univ. Udine, Washington State Univ., Bourgogne Univer. Dijon, Univ. Matsuyama, Univ. Matsue, Cambridge Univ., etc. He was an active member of the International Quantum Structures Association, where experts in mathematics, physics, logic, and philosophy are associated.

His important feature, and this is the most important one, was Roman's humanity, his willingness to help anybody either his colleagues or students. He was very active in the movement Racio et Fides which associates people of faith and of science. He was self-sacrificing and with his beloved wife, Babca, they raised three children. He had a sense of humor (he has met his wife at the top of a very high brewery chimney in Košice), and everywhere where he appeared, he had spread out good mood.

Dear Dr. Frič, dear Roman, allow me to thanks you for everything whatever you have done for the Slovak mathematics, thanks for your friendship.


Anatolij Dvurečenskij, Mathematical Institute SAS

Funeral services will be in Košice on Jan. 22, 2021, 11 a.m. and due to strict anti-epidemic restrictions, the services will hold only in a very narrow family circle.


On January 13, 2021 has passed away our former colleague prof. Robin Lyth Hudson, Univ. of Nottingham. Twenty years ago he had been employed for a one year at MI SAS.


Rest in peace.

media souce: wikimedia


On January 13, 2021 has passed away our colleague from Košice branch of MI SAS


doc. RNDr. Roman Frič, DrSc. (* 30. 9. 1944).


Since December 26, 2020 he had been hospitalized on ICU.


Rest in peace.