Open postdoc positions at the Mathematical Institute of SAS
Mathematical Institute of SAS offers 1-2 postdoc positions for research in one of the fields listed below. The duration of each position is one year starting in or after May, 2025 but no later than December 2025, with a possibility of extension for one more year. Successful applicants will be expected to conduct research, participate in seminars, and collaborate with the respective supervisor(s), his/her colleagues, and students.
Salary: 2400 EUR monthly salary before taxes, including social and health insurance, (approximately 1600 EUR netto income) + extra benefits for some of the topics
Other benefits: flexible working hours, home office possible
Position requirements:
- PhD or equivalent
- active research experience: at least two published works in recognized journals
- the individual requirements for the chosen topic
Application requirements:
The applicants should send the following documents to Ms. Ondrušková at
- a CV (including a list of publications), with emphasis on the scientific results of the applicant
- research proposal
- copy of the PhD. diploma
- recommendation letter sent by someone familiar with applicant's research
Application deadline:
The deadline for application submission is CET 23:59, March 30, 2025. Only the selected candidates will be contacted for interviews within a week or two after the deadline.
Interested applicants can contact the respective supervisor for more details.
Research fields:
Discrete Mathematics/Combinatorics
(supervisor Roman Nedela nedela@savbb.skThe selected postdoctoral fellow(s) will work under supervision of prof. Roman Nedela on research topics related to his areas of interest, in particular, in one of the following fields of mathematics:
- Symmetries of structures and related group theory
- Non-three-edge colourable cubic graphs
- Relations between graphs and complex analysis
Requirements: PhD in Discrete Mathematics/Combinatorics
Location: MI SAS Banská Bystrica
Applied mathematics, numerical methods of linear algebra
(supervisors Gabriel Okša, Martin Bečka)Topic: Numerical properties and implementation of efficient block Jacobi algorithm for computing the EVD/SVD of large matrices
Requirements: PhD in the field of applied numerical mathematics, interest in methods for the computation of the EVD/SVD of large dense matrices by using serial and parallel algorithms. Experience in programming parallel computers using the MPI paradigm will be an advantage.
Location: Department of Informatics, MI SAS Bratislava
Quantum information theory
(supervisor Anna Jenčová successful candidate will join a research project under supervision of Anna Jenčová, focused on properties of quantum channels and higher order maps. The research is conducted in collaboration with the Quantum information foundations group at the Research Center for Quantum Information at the Institute of Physics of SAS,
The framework of higher order maps (HOM) allows a more detailed study of general quantum protocols, such as channel measurements, channel transformations, channels with memory, etc. Possible topics include the study of the mathematical structure of HOM, nonclassical properties of HOM such as indefinite causal order and causal (non)separability, their classification, consequences and possible advantages in information processing.
Requirements: PhD in mathematics or physics, previous published works in quantum information theory, related topics preferred
Extra benefits: Additional 500-600 EUR/month (brutto) to the offered salary, additional project funding for travelling costs and other research expenses
Location: MI SAS Bratislava
Theory of classification methods in machine learning
(supervisor Ondrej Šuch invite collaboration on a monograph about classification methods with emphasis on categorization of speech data. Ideal candidate would have recent experience in machine learning research and possess good writing skills. Previous experience with deep neural networks, large language models or speech analysis is not necessary, but would be a plus.
Requirements: PhD in Computer Science, Mathematics or related fields
Location: MI SAS Banská Bystrica