Mathematica Slovaca

is the continuation of the journals
Matematicko-fyzikálny sborník (1951-1952)
Matematicko-fyzikálny časopis (1953-1966)
Matematický časopis (1967-1975).
The present name Mathematica Slovaca was adopted in 1976.
Since 2007, the journal Mathematica Slovaca is being published in cooperation with Springer - Versita.
(A more detailed information is in preparation.)
The aim of this journal is to publish original research papers in all areas of mathematics containing new substantial and significant results or methods, with complete proofs. Contributions presented to the journal can also be short notes, surveys and possibly research problems. Occasionally the journal publishes book reviews, notices and news about topical events interesting to the mathematical community. In addition to regular issues, supplementary issues are published focusing on a theme of current interest, honoring an individual, or containing proceedings of a conference. The journal is covered by Current Mathematical Publications, Mathematical Reviews, Zentralblatt MATH, and Referativnyi Zhurnal Matematika.
Since Vol. 57 is Mathematica Slovaca indexed in ISI Web of Knowledge database. Since Vol. 58 is Mathematica Slovaca indexed in SCOPUS database.
Impact factor for 2012: 0.394.
Mathematica Slovaca is published by the Mathematical Institute.
Editor in Chief: | Sylvia Pulmannová |
Managing editor: | Anatolij Dvurečenskij |
Technical editor: | Kvetoslava Dvořáková |
Office: | Andrea Surová |
Phone: | +421 2 5751 0409 |
FAX: | +421 2 5249 7316 |
email: | Please enable javascript to see e-mail addresses. |
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Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications

It is being published since 1992 when the first issue had appeared. Since 1993 two or three issues are published per year.
The aim of this journal is to publish original contributions in all fields of mathematical research, especially collections of papers on single topic.
The journal is abstracted and/or indexed and reviewed in Zentralblatt MATH, Mathematical Reviews and Web of Science (Index to Scientific and Technical Proceedings (ISTP), Index to Scientific and Technical Proceedings on CDROM, CC Proceedings - Engineering & Physical Sciences). Particular volumes/issues can be searched via Web of Science page.
New issues are indexed in Conference Proceedings Citation Index (CPCI).
The following volumes are indexed in CC (Current Contents) database:
- Vol. 22: Probability Theory, Mathematical Statistics
- Vol. 23: Harmonic Analysis and Tone Systems
- Vol. 25: TATRACRYPT '01
- Vol. 30: Quarter-Century of the Košice Branch of the Mathematical Institute
- Vol. 32: Number Theory
- Vol. 36: Graphs '04
- Vol. 38: CDDEA '06
Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications is published by the Mathematical Institute.
Editors in Chief: | Miloslav Duchoň, Beloslav Riečan |
Managing editors: | Karol Nemoga, Tibor Žáčik |
Technical editors: | Ivana Geriaková, Mária Surová |
Office: | Ivana Geriaková |
Phone: | +421 2 5751 0402 |
FAX: | +421 2 5249 7316 |
email: | Please enable javascript to see e-mail addresses. |
WWW: | |
Uniform Distribution Theory

It was founded in 2006. Since 2011 the office and the web page were moved to Boku-University, Vienna, Austria:
From UDT No. 14, vol. 2 (2019) it has been moved to University of Liverpool:
Managing editors: | Oleg Karpenkov, Radhakrishnan Nair, Friedrich Pillichshammer |
Phone (office): (Ms. Geriaková) | +421 2 5751 0402 |
WWW (original): | |
WWW (current): | |
Slovak office of Zentralblatt MATH
Editor in Chief: | Miloslav Duchoň |
Managing editors: | Karol Nemoga, Tibor Žáčik |
Office: | Andrea Surová |
Phone: | +421 2 5751 0404 |
FAX: | +421 2 5249 7316 |
email: | Please enable javascript to see e-mail addresses. |
WWW: | |